Tuesday, June 18, 2019

It's Halftime: Take Time to Pause, Reflect, and Re-calibrate

"Don't Give Up at Halftime...Concentrate on Winning the Second Half."  ~Bear Bryant     

Where are you in navigating your 2019 game plan? Do you have a strategy to grow and reach your goals? Often times we wait until the end of the year to review our game plan only to find we've come up short in reaching our goals and dreams. I'm not talking about daily goals, rather the big picture of what we want to achieve by the end of the year. It's "HALFTIME" in 2019. Have you reviewed your plan? 

Over the last few weeks, I've had many reasons to pause and reflect on what progress I've made and whether I'm on track to finish strong in 2019. Business expert, Peter Drucker, recommends that we, "Follow live action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effectiveness." I confess that as someone who has a bias for action, it can be challenging to pause or just BE! I'm often critical of myself especially if I missed hitting a specific goal. John Maxwell, my coach and mentor, shares that, "Learning to pause allows growth to catch up with you! If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed up. He needs to stop!"

A modern day illustration is the navigation system in our car. When we don't follow the suggested route, "she" re-calibrates our direction. Our destination is still the same, however, we adjust the route in order to arrive at the desired destination. If you've experienced a detour on your destination this year, or, if your focus has faded, there's no need to panic or become discouraged. PAUSE ~ REFLECT ~ RE-CALIBRATE. It's really that simple.

The month of June will soon come to an end and July is just around the corner. Are you prepared for the second half of 2019? Why not do what every coach does at halftime? The coach and the players retreat to the locker room and take time to evaluate the first half of the game. They determine what worked and what modifications need to be made in order to win in the second half. In other words, the goal is still the same - win the game - but the strategy may be slightly different. Coaches praise, critique, affirm player's successes, encourage them to learn from their mistakes, and develop a plan for the second half.

Jim Rohn says, "At the end of each day, you should play back the tapes of your performance. The results should either applaud you or prod you." Often times major changes aren't necessary, rather we lose our focus and simply begin living life by "default," letting life happen without slowing down to live more intentionally. When you pause, reflect, and re-calibrate, you will receive more clarity in your vision and the necessary inner motivation, focus, and strategy to meet your goals for 2019.
Following are questions that have proven helpful to me. My hope is that they will inspire you and help give you clarity. Be honest with yourself as you answer, knowing they will serve as a road map for your next action steps:

1. What is working?
2. If something isn't working, what changes need to be made?
3. How will you best manage your time to gain the highest ROI (return on investment)?
4. What additional tools/personal growth do you need?
5. What is your greatest strength?
6. What is your biggest liability?
7. If you see roadblocks ahead - how will you navigate or change course?
8. What lessons have you learned?

Jack Welch, former General Electric Chairman believes,"Controlling your destination is better than being controlled by it." I especially appreciate what Leroy Eims says regarding self leadership when he shares, "A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others see." In other words, leaders lead! They adapt and chart the course...Or, as Bear Bryant said, "Don't Give Up at Halftime. Concentrate on Winning the Second Half." I challenge you to, pause, reflect, re-calibrate and concentrate on winning the second half! 


The Hutsen Group, LLC

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