Monday, September 7, 2015

Have You Experienced "GREAT EXPECTATIONS?"

"MAKE EVERY DAY YOUR MASTERPIECE." ~ Legendary Coach, John Wooden

Today is Labor Day, a day we celebrate America's workforce. In the business world today, two of the most popular words are: EXCEED EXPECTATIONS. When these words are included in an organization's core values or mission statement it always inspires me. Yet, I often wonder if the culture within that organization truly embraces a customer focused, "leave it all on the field" mentality or (excuse my candor) if they're just paying lip service hoping to attract quality customers and employees.

In 1980, 35 years ago, I saw a sign hanging on the wall behind the cash register of an Indianapolis, Indiana, family deli that read, "The customer is always right...even if he isn't." Wow! Think about that...I have never forgotten that sign because it was a true reflection of the deli. Their "masterpiece" was happy and engaged employees - employees who greeted customers with a smile, provided outstanding service, and reflected the exact attitude illustrated on that sign. The employees went out of their way to provide a positive, customer friendly service attitude to everyone they served. Serving their customers with an upbeat attitude, along with serving great food, was the root of their success. Today's marketing experts may call it their "brand." I simply remember it as a small family Indianapolis deli that exceeded my expectations. Roger Staubach, Heisman Trophy winner and Super Bowl winner Dallas Cowboys quarterback, reminds us that, "There are no traffic jams along the extra mile." 

How do you feel when someone goes the extra mile for you? In your workplace, do you go the extra mile for your clients and customers? Do you exceed their expectations? Do you provide outstanding customer service inside your company, to your internal customers, your co-workers, or do you just go with the status quo, practicing the "go along to get along" mindset? Do you demonstrate a culture of "going the extra mile" or "leaving it all on the field" in your business, your  department or your home? If you don't know or have to think about it, you likely don't exceed any one's expectations!

The reason this topic keeps coming to mind is because of an experience I encountered two weeks ago. My hair stylist is a very skilled and successful stylist with a strong customer base. In fact, to schedule a haircut appointment with her, clients need to schedule a month or two in advance. Due to my work and travel schedule, I book appointments up to three months in advance to guarantee the dates and times that work best for me. Without a doubt "Jodi" is my all time favorite stylist! A few weeks ago I realized that the date of my next appointment, which I'd scheduled months earlier, was just a few days away. The bad news was that it conflicted with a three day business trip I also scheduled. (I dropped the ball by not entering the haircut on my business calendar.)  I called the salon and asked to reschedule with her, ASAP. Of course, there were no openings on such short notice. My next step was asking Jodi for a fellow stylist referral, "just this once," who might have an opening to cut my hair prior to my trip. She said she'd be happy to check and call me right back. She called back and shared that there were no openings. Instead of saying I'm sorry or giving up, she offered me a new time, very early in the morning, in order to cut my hair and get me on the road. She guided me to the quiet shampoo area, provided an amazing shampoo and scalp massage, and directed me back to her area. As Jodi began cutting, I noticed that I was the only customer in the salon at the time. Then I asked, "why?" She replied, "the salon doesn't  open for another half hour. You are one of my best customers and I want to take care of you!" I was blessed and at a loss for words. I felt appreciated and valued. What a gift I received that day! Jodi painted her Masterpiece by not just providing outstanding service but exceeding my expectations with a smile on her face, a joyful spirit, and a humble heart. Thank you, Jodi. You are God's Masterpiece!

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."  ~ Mahatma Ghandi ~

Today is Labor Day 2015. Let's stop for a moment and offer our gratitude to those who serve us in every area of our lives, not just today, but everyday. Let's commit to serve others by doing more than they expect. Let's EXCEED EXPECTATIONS without expecting anything in return. George S. Patton said it best: "Always do more than is required of you."

Now, go Paint your Masterpiece! If you have an "exceed expectations" story I encourage you to share it here! Tweet @CarolynHutsen #Exceed Expectations


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