Sunday, November 22, 2015

Leadership Lessons from My Lovable Chocolate Lab

"An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance."  ~ Intentional Living, By John C. Maxwell ~

The words of John Maxwell resonated in my mind when in October 2015 I decided to live my life more intentionally. I have been truly blessed in many ways, yet also realize that as time goes by, I desire to live not only a more fulfilling life, but also lead my own life with purpose and significance. Living intentionally has caused me to pause each day and consider, how I can move toward the direction of my Destiny. How can I lead more intentionally? Will I savor each moment? Will I purpose to lead myself and others in a way worthy of the gifts I've been given? Yes, intentional living is part of my personal growth plan for the remainder of 2015 as well as in the rapidly approaching year of 2016!

Little did I know that after deciding to live life more intentionally, my Chocolate Labrador Retriever, Bullet Remington, would teach me a life lesson about this special approach to life! Bullet's favorite activity is his daily walk through Nashotah Park. The park has always been a special place because that is where our adopted dog began a new chapter in his life story. Because his walk has become part of our family evening routine, I confess I began taking that time for granted, but not Bullet! He loudly announces his intention when walk time approaches. I prepare by putting on walking shoes, a jacket, gather the leash, and treats for the journey. He is very intentional by waiting patiently by the door, ready to jump in the Explorer, anxious for the ride to begin. I love the sparkle in his eyes and that wagging tale as he watches my every move. He intends to enjoy his favorite part of the day.

On this particular bright, beautiful, and crisp Autumn day, I decided to take Bullet's approach and prepare with anticipation for our daily walk. It's not just for my exercise or his, even though that's one of the reasons we began this activity, rather, I intended to experience everything around me, just like Bullet. As we entered the park, the attendant waved us through and Bullet looked joyfully out the window. During our walk we encountered squirrels, chipmunks, blue jays, cardinals, sparrows, crows, a red tail hawk, 2 deer, a yellow lab out for her walk, a runner, and a vast array of color. The setting sun offered orange and pink as it swept through the trees behind us. Bullet sniffed every tree stump and chased a leaf as it blew by. The leaves were falling, red, yellow, gold and orange...Wow! What a masterpiece of color created by our loving God! As we rounded the corner of the woods, in the direction of the parking lot, Bullet sprinted to our Ford Explorer, waiting for his meaty treat reward. Just like Bullet, I was refreshed, grateful, and full of joy. I'm sure we'd passed the critters, colorful leaves and other dogs before, but I failed to truly notice the beauty around me. I was likely thinking about the next item on my "to do list."

I've decided that Intentional Living is the only way to approach each day and each moment, as we continue to move toward our Destiny. Curt Kampmeier stated, " If you're going to grow, you have to be intentional." Yes, Intentional Living Inspires Us to Make Every Day Count." (John C. Maxwell)

As we prepare for Thanksgiving week, let's be intentional in wishing those around us a bountiful Thanksgiving. Let's lead our lives with a genuine "Attitude of Gratitude," never taking for granted the lives we touch or those who impact us. I'm reminded of a verse I learned in my childhood Vacation Bible School and remember it well, Psalm 100:

"Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth, Serve the Lord with gladness, Come before Him with joyful singing. Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with THANKSGIVING, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and bless His name. His loving kindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness to all generations."


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