Tuesday, June 18, 2019

It's Halftime: Take Time to Pause, Reflect, and Re-calibrate

"Don't Give Up at Halftime...Concentrate on Winning the Second Half."  ~Bear Bryant     

Where are you in navigating your 2019 game plan? Do you have a strategy to grow and reach your goals? Often times we wait until the end of the year to review our game plan only to find we've come up short in reaching our goals and dreams. I'm not talking about daily goals, rather the big picture of what we want to achieve by the end of the year. It's "HALFTIME" in 2019. Have you reviewed your plan? 

Over the last few weeks, I've had many reasons to pause and reflect on what progress I've made and whether I'm on track to finish strong in 2019. Business expert, Peter Drucker, recommends that we, "Follow live action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effectiveness." I confess that as someone who has a bias for action, it can be challenging to pause or just BE! I'm often critical of myself especially if I missed hitting a specific goal. John Maxwell, my coach and mentor, shares that, "Learning to pause allows growth to catch up with you! If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed up. He needs to stop!"

A modern day illustration is the navigation system in our car. When we don't follow the suggested route, "she" re-calibrates our direction. Our destination is still the same, however, we adjust the route in order to arrive at the desired destination. If you've experienced a detour on your destination this year, or, if your focus has faded, there's no need to panic or become discouraged. PAUSE ~ REFLECT ~ RE-CALIBRATE. It's really that simple.

The month of June will soon come to an end and July is just around the corner. Are you prepared for the second half of 2019? Why not do what every coach does at halftime? The coach and the players retreat to the locker room and take time to evaluate the first half of the game. They determine what worked and what modifications need to be made in order to win in the second half. In other words, the goal is still the same - win the game - but the strategy may be slightly different. Coaches praise, critique, affirm player's successes, encourage them to learn from their mistakes, and develop a plan for the second half.

Jim Rohn says, "At the end of each day, you should play back the tapes of your performance. The results should either applaud you or prod you." Often times major changes aren't necessary, rather we lose our focus and simply begin living life by "default," letting life happen without slowing down to live more intentionally. When you pause, reflect, and re-calibrate, you will receive more clarity in your vision and the necessary inner motivation, focus, and strategy to meet your goals for 2019.
Following are questions that have proven helpful to me. My hope is that they will inspire you and help give you clarity. Be honest with yourself as you answer, knowing they will serve as a road map for your next action steps:

1. What is working?
2. If something isn't working, what changes need to be made?
3. How will you best manage your time to gain the highest ROI (return on investment)?
4. What additional tools/personal growth do you need?
5. What is your greatest strength?
6. What is your biggest liability?
7. If you see roadblocks ahead - how will you navigate or change course?
8. What lessons have you learned?

Jack Welch, former General Electric Chairman believes,"Controlling your destination is better than being controlled by it." I especially appreciate what Leroy Eims says regarding self leadership when he shares, "A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others see." In other words, leaders lead! They adapt and chart the course...Or, as Bear Bryant said, "Don't Give Up at Halftime. Concentrate on Winning the Second Half." I challenge you to, pause, reflect, re-calibrate and concentrate on winning the second half! 


The Hutsen Group, LLC

Sunday, April 3, 2016



It's been a few months since I wrote on my blog, LEAD ON, because just as Louise Smith writes, I've been removing "yesterday's junk." Of course, it's not really junk, but, I have been removing anything that's standing in the way of moving forward in living the life I'm destined to live. I find that physical clutter leads to mental clutter and that often clouds my vision and hinders my progress.

In January, I was moved to de-clutter while putting away Christmas decorations....that's also when I began the process of evaluating and prioritizing my goals and personal growth plan in an effort to move forward in 2016. Christmas is my favorite time of the year and as excited as I am to plan and prepare, shop, decorate, bake, wrap gifts, and enjoy family and friends, I always feel a sense of nostalgia when it's time to pack up the ornaments, decorations, and gifts and return them to the basement until next year. Many of our ornaments provide a trip down memory lane. They include Hallmark ornaments of a cute beagle puppy, reminding me of our little Casey, a yellow lab, the sweet reminder of our yellow lab, Suka, as well as crystal angels and of course the angel tree topper. Also boxed away are sports related ornaments, a Milwaukee Brewers baseball, IU and Purdue ornaments, Indianapolis Colts football, (can you see that I'm surrounded by sports?) and beautiful china Hawaiian ornaments from Kauaii and Maui. The most precious of all, though, are the handmade Courtney and Brandon special ornaments they made in kindergarten....Yikes, how time flies!

In February the cleaning out and purging process continued. We are "empty-nesters" and as a result have 2 bedrooms which once housed our two sons, along with their left behind clothes, collectibles, and belongings. Although I had removed a lot of items after they moved out on their own, it was a time for a massive purging. My husband was on board (he did most of the hard work) and together we finished the task. I came to the conclusion that deep down I didn't want to "toss away" what was for me, treasured memories of each child. The truth, though, was they had outgrown everything, grown up and moved on to new seasons in their lives, new, exciting, and life-changing seasons for both of which I am so proud. I boxed the most special items, returned some to the original owner, and donated the remainder to charity. One shirt even had the original price tag! What remained was an organized, spacious closet, and a true sense of satisfaction - a freedom of sorts, that something new was on the horizon. We need to celebrate the past, yet embrace the future!

Albert Einstein states so beautifully, "Out of clutter find simplicity." When we simplify and remove the clutter, our vision becomes clearer and the path before us is suddenly within our reach. Eric Harvey and Steve Ventura are authors of a book entitled, "Forget for Success." They suggest that, "Our brains are like closets. Over time they are filled with things we no longer use - things that don't fit. Every once in a while they need to be cleaned out." Isn't that true? Do you have a closet that needs to be cleaned out? Harvey and Ventura go on to say that, "Cerebral baggage weighs us down. Our baggage includes everything from once valued beliefs and practices that have outlived their usefulness to misinformation and misconceptions that we've accepted (and even embraced) without much examination or thought." Are you holding on to cerebral baggage that needs to go? Maybe you prefer Maxine's more humorous perspective found on one of her cards, "I always find something I've lost when I do my spring cleaning. This year it was my mind!" We need to laugh at ourselves and put life in perspective because out of all that we experience, the best is just around the corner."Robin Williams used to say, "Spring is nature's way of saying Let's Party!" Are you ready to let go of the old and embrace the new? Will you join me in CLEANING OUT THE PAST...PACKING UP THE PRESENT AND PREPARING FOR A MUCH BETTER FUTURE?  
Let's journey together...


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Leadership Lessons from My Lovable Chocolate Lab

"An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance."  ~ Intentional Living, By John C. Maxwell ~

The words of John Maxwell resonated in my mind when in October 2015 I decided to live my life more intentionally. I have been truly blessed in many ways, yet also realize that as time goes by, I desire to live not only a more fulfilling life, but also lead my own life with purpose and significance. Living intentionally has caused me to pause each day and consider, how I can move toward the direction of my Destiny. How can I lead more intentionally? Will I savor each moment? Will I purpose to lead myself and others in a way worthy of the gifts I've been given? Yes, intentional living is part of my personal growth plan for the remainder of 2015 as well as in the rapidly approaching year of 2016!

Little did I know that after deciding to live life more intentionally, my Chocolate Labrador Retriever, Bullet Remington, would teach me a life lesson about this special approach to life! Bullet's favorite activity is his daily walk through Nashotah Park. The park has always been a special place because that is where our adopted dog began a new chapter in his life story. Because his walk has become part of our family evening routine, I confess I began taking that time for granted, but not Bullet! He loudly announces his intention when walk time approaches. I prepare by putting on walking shoes, a jacket, gather the leash, and treats for the journey. He is very intentional by waiting patiently by the door, ready to jump in the Explorer, anxious for the ride to begin. I love the sparkle in his eyes and that wagging tale as he watches my every move. He intends to enjoy his favorite part of the day.

On this particular bright, beautiful, and crisp Autumn day, I decided to take Bullet's approach and prepare with anticipation for our daily walk. It's not just for my exercise or his, even though that's one of the reasons we began this activity, rather, I intended to experience everything around me, just like Bullet. As we entered the park, the attendant waved us through and Bullet looked joyfully out the window. During our walk we encountered squirrels, chipmunks, blue jays, cardinals, sparrows, crows, a red tail hawk, 2 deer, a yellow lab out for her walk, a runner, and a vast array of color. The setting sun offered orange and pink as it swept through the trees behind us. Bullet sniffed every tree stump and chased a leaf as it blew by. The leaves were falling, red, yellow, gold and orange...Wow! What a masterpiece of color created by our loving God! As we rounded the corner of the woods, in the direction of the parking lot, Bullet sprinted to our Ford Explorer, waiting for his meaty treat reward. Just like Bullet, I was refreshed, grateful, and full of joy. I'm sure we'd passed the critters, colorful leaves and other dogs before, but I failed to truly notice the beauty around me. I was likely thinking about the next item on my "to do list."

I've decided that Intentional Living is the only way to approach each day and each moment, as we continue to move toward our Destiny. Curt Kampmeier stated, " If you're going to grow, you have to be intentional." Yes, Intentional Living Inspires Us to Make Every Day Count." (John C. Maxwell)

As we prepare for Thanksgiving week, let's be intentional in wishing those around us a bountiful Thanksgiving. Let's lead our lives with a genuine "Attitude of Gratitude," never taking for granted the lives we touch or those who impact us. I'm reminded of a verse I learned in my childhood Vacation Bible School and remember it well, Psalm 100:

"Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth, Serve the Lord with gladness, Come before Him with joyful singing. Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with THANKSGIVING, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and bless His name. His loving kindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness to all generations."


Monday, September 7, 2015

Have You Experienced "GREAT EXPECTATIONS?"

"MAKE EVERY DAY YOUR MASTERPIECE." ~ Legendary Coach, John Wooden

Today is Labor Day, a day we celebrate America's workforce. In the business world today, two of the most popular words are: EXCEED EXPECTATIONS. When these words are included in an organization's core values or mission statement it always inspires me. Yet, I often wonder if the culture within that organization truly embraces a customer focused, "leave it all on the field" mentality or (excuse my candor) if they're just paying lip service hoping to attract quality customers and employees.

In 1980, 35 years ago, I saw a sign hanging on the wall behind the cash register of an Indianapolis, Indiana, family deli that read, "The customer is always right...even if he isn't." Wow! Think about that...I have never forgotten that sign because it was a true reflection of the deli. Their "masterpiece" was happy and engaged employees - employees who greeted customers with a smile, provided outstanding service, and reflected the exact attitude illustrated on that sign. The employees went out of their way to provide a positive, customer friendly service attitude to everyone they served. Serving their customers with an upbeat attitude, along with serving great food, was the root of their success. Today's marketing experts may call it their "brand." I simply remember it as a small family Indianapolis deli that exceeded my expectations. Roger Staubach, Heisman Trophy winner and Super Bowl winner Dallas Cowboys quarterback, reminds us that, "There are no traffic jams along the extra mile." 

How do you feel when someone goes the extra mile for you? In your workplace, do you go the extra mile for your clients and customers? Do you exceed their expectations? Do you provide outstanding customer service inside your company, to your internal customers, your co-workers, or do you just go with the status quo, practicing the "go along to get along" mindset? Do you demonstrate a culture of "going the extra mile" or "leaving it all on the field" in your business, your  department or your home? If you don't know or have to think about it, you likely don't exceed any one's expectations!

The reason this topic keeps coming to mind is because of an experience I encountered two weeks ago. My hair stylist is a very skilled and successful stylist with a strong customer base. In fact, to schedule a haircut appointment with her, clients need to schedule a month or two in advance. Due to my work and travel schedule, I book appointments up to three months in advance to guarantee the dates and times that work best for me. Without a doubt "Jodi" is my all time favorite stylist! A few weeks ago I realized that the date of my next appointment, which I'd scheduled months earlier, was just a few days away. The bad news was that it conflicted with a three day business trip I also scheduled. (I dropped the ball by not entering the haircut on my business calendar.)  I called the salon and asked to reschedule with her, ASAP. Of course, there were no openings on such short notice. My next step was asking Jodi for a fellow stylist referral, "just this once," who might have an opening to cut my hair prior to my trip. She said she'd be happy to check and call me right back. She called back and shared that there were no openings. Instead of saying I'm sorry or giving up, she offered me a new time, very early in the morning, in order to cut my hair and get me on the road. She guided me to the quiet shampoo area, provided an amazing shampoo and scalp massage, and directed me back to her area. As Jodi began cutting, I noticed that I was the only customer in the salon at the time. Then I asked, "why?" She replied, "the salon doesn't  open for another half hour. You are one of my best customers and I want to take care of you!" I was blessed and at a loss for words. I felt appreciated and valued. What a gift I received that day! Jodi painted her Masterpiece by not just providing outstanding service but exceeding my expectations with a smile on her face, a joyful spirit, and a humble heart. Thank you, Jodi. You are God's Masterpiece!

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."  ~ Mahatma Ghandi ~

Today is Labor Day 2015. Let's stop for a moment and offer our gratitude to those who serve us in every area of our lives, not just today, but everyday. Let's commit to serve others by doing more than they expect. Let's EXCEED EXPECTATIONS without expecting anything in return. George S. Patton said it best: "Always do more than is required of you."

Now, go Paint your Masterpiece! If you have an "exceed expectations" story I encourage you to share it here! Tweet @CarolynHutsen #Exceed Expectations


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Welcome to our new blog...LEAD ON!


 ~ John C. Maxwell ~

I am excited to share my leadership development and personal growth journey with you! Do you have the passion to become the person and leader God created you to be? I do! Many years ago I heard someone say, "the largest room in the world is the room for improvement." Throughout my 30 plus years of business experience I've observed others, asked questions, and read a variety of books that helped shine the light on many perspectives and opinions on the topic of leadership. Being a life-long learner has served me well. I've followed strong leaders and not so strong leaders, but the most influential leadership classroom of all has been running a business, working in corporate America, and volunteer management in the non-profit sector.

Fifteen years ago my reading experiences led me to, Developing the Leaders Around You, by John C. Maxwell, the number one expert on leadership in the world. John C. Maxwell is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Business Week bestselling author, speaker, and coach who has sold more than 21 million books. He lives what he teaches so what he shares is not theory...it's real life experiences with people, teams, and diverse organizations such as Fortune 100 companies, the National Football League, and the United Nations.

I am both honored and proud to be a Certified, Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team. Much of his leadership philosophy and strategies are reflected in The Hutsen Group, my independent coaching, speaking and training business. You are invited to join me on your own leadership journey! Deep down inside you know you aren't content to stay the same or accept the "status quo." Do you desire to rise above mediocrity? Do you desire to make a change but don't know where to start? You are meant to grow and reach your untapped potential! You have strengths and abilities unique to you. Why not reach for the stars and begin a new course of action? Harriet Tubman suggests, "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change he world."  

There is a wonderful passage from the classic book, Alice in Wonderland. When Alice comes to a fork in the road she asks the Cheshire cat, "Which way do I go from here?" The cat replies, "It depends. Where do you want to go?" Alice says, "I guess it really doesn't matter." And the cat says, "Well then it really doesn't matter which way you go." That decision is a life changing moment! You have the choice to live up to your potential, step out of your comfort zone and begin your leadership journey or continue on in "the land of comfort, complacency and conformity." The choice is yours! Don't allow fear to steer your ship or alter your course. Let's set sail on this exciting journey together....Journey toward your destiny and LEAD ON!

"Destiny is not a matter of chance; but a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, It is a thing to be achieved."   ~ William Jennings Bryan ~